It's Taco Tuesday. It feels like I have been making these tacos since last Tuesday, ha! But seriously. The recipe is from Raw Food Real World. The recipe is like 4 pages long. It's so many pages, that I literally missed the last page, so we went without the Salsa and Sour Cream. Frankly, I am not sure it all would have fit in the shell.
The shells were super easy and they smelled so great while they were in the dehydrator. The tricky part was spreading them evenly so the edges were not crisp while the inside was still soggy. What is this special spatula I keep reading about? I used a large cup as my outline, so the shells are pretty small. I wrapped them around the plunger from my Vita-Mix to try to shape them. I thought it was brilliant idea but they just went right back to flat when I took them off. Oh well, nice try.
Easy to whip up

Out of the dehydrator and trying to shape them
Double Dipping: I saved the saved the scraps from the taco shells in the sun-dried tomato bags. Re-use at it's best. I see these guys with some guacamole in my future.
The Spicy Bean Mix, FYI has no actual beans, was also super easy to whip up. I was afraid I had dehydrated it too long (because I stayed extra long at trivia night instead of diligently watching my dehydrator) but when I mixed it with the tomato sauce it was perfect.
The guacamole was great and easy to make. Just after finished the guacamole was when I realized I had missed a whole page of the recipe. What is up with multi-page recipes? Sheesh! They were great even without the salsa (so many tomatoes already) and the sour cream.

I didn't even have to shape them. They are beautiful.
Rate This Dish:
My boyfriend put this dish squarely in the great category. I give it a 4. It is super yummy and filling. It did take a lot of ingredients and many steps to make, which is the only reason it doesn't get a five. When you are looking for a hearty dish - this is the one for you.
Learning Curve:
I feel like it literally took me 10 hours to make this dish. I need to get a bit better about balancing my dehydrating time. At one point this weekend I had 6 bowls soaking, 4 shelves drying and a partridge in my pear tree. I decided to start to use the alarm feature on my phone to track when each thing was done soaking or done in the dehydrator. This helped a lot. You think you can remember, but you can't. Well, I couldn't
Sooo funny! Getting used to lengthy prep times is hard to do, but doesn't the end result taste that much better due to the anticipation? Beautiful tacos. I made those shells as chips to take to Mexico and brought a little baggie of them everywhere we went.
ReplyDeleteActually, I saw those chips in your blog, and that is what prompted me to buy Raw Food Real World. I actually had to look up your blog on my phone while in Barnes and Noble to remember the name. It's why I wanted to make that recipe so much. You are right. The tacos were great. Robert says they taste like spicy bean tacos - success!!